Products & Catalogue
Each product in this catalogue is handcrafted produced by gnstyle & co srl. Any small difference from the item in the catalogue is to be considered as the guarantee of originality and exclusivity of a unique piece handmade produced in the Art Design Workshop.

To ask for prices, to order and to purchase
Tutti i prodotti delle Collezioni gnstyle sono realizzabili su misura; Per misure diverse da All the Gnstyle Collection products can be custom made; In case of measures different from shown, the price will be budgeted and will depend on the real dimensions of the product you want to order.
All the items can only be ordered and purchased by contacting directly the Company. One of our Managers will be at your disposal to give you all the prices, to support you on the choice, especially if custom made, on the purchase and on the payment of your Gnstyle product.
+39 0143 827114 (opening hours: Monday to Friday from 07.30 am to 12.00 am/ from 01.30 pm to 06.00 pm)

How to order a “custom made” product
Nearly every gnstyle product is custom made produced. Just like tailor made.
 Do you already know the exact measures of the product you need? Would you prefer to check and be advised by one of our Managers? In both cases you can have a direct contact with one of the Art Design Workshop Managers, in order to assure you the best experience with your exclusive and original Gnstyle product.

Production and Delivery Time
Buying a handcrafted product requires a little more patience than purchasing an industrial ready product! 
Every Gnstyle product is infact custom handmade in the Art Design Workshop. The production time can vary from a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 20 working days.

How to pay
For purchases amounts lower or equal to €500,00: the payment is to be made with the order. For purcheses amount bigger than €500,00: 50% with the order, 50% balance with the delivery.
Are accepted the following payments

  • • Bank wire transfer
  • • Online paypal
  • Cash on delivery (to be evaluated only for 50% balance)

Shipping costs
Gnstyle&co srl ships in Italy and all over the world in agreement with the main national and international couriers. 
As nearly all the products are custom made, the shipment cost depends on the measures/weights and on the destination.
The final shipment cost will be estimated by one of our Managers together with the order.